Own your home and build wealth

Mortgage Crusher helps you own your home sooner and achieve financial freedom.


When you eliminate the home loan, you free up cash flow for life

Eliminating your home loan is the best way to free up money for living life and creating more joy.

If we just keep refinancing our home loan, we can end up in more debt that restricts our future.


Crush your mortgage in 10 years

Mortgage Crusher helps you own your home sooner as well as build wealth for future lifestyle—cars, education and travel.

The system is flexible, minimises the risk of investing and how investments work, and keeps you focused on repaying bad debt while utilising good debt.

A proven system that works

Flexible with life
Jobs, kids, income - life can change and change quickly. Mortgage Crusher is a system that can change with you

Minimises risk
Mortgage Crusher enables you to build wealth over time with minimal money input from you and that reduces risk.

Keeps you focused
Marketing will pull you in all sorts of directions. Mortgage Crusher achieves results by keeping you focused.

Common questions

  • Mortgage Crusher helps you to control how much money you live on right now and free up cash flow to pay down your home loan quickly.

    At the same time, you're able to set up a regular investment plan to build and grow financial assets - and take advantage of dollar-cost-averaging.

    The home loan is also structured to be tax-effective so that those tax savings are also repaying the home loan.

    Income generated from the investments in financial assets is also repaying the home loan. The combined effect creates momentum that helps repay the loan quickly, while also capitalising growth on the investments over the 10 years.

    Mortgage Crusher (as a strategy) requires a financial planner to model and advise to your personal situation. It also requires you to refinance your home loan (our Mortgage Brokers can help you do this).

  • Mortgage Crusher is delivered through our Financial Planning partner and Mortgage Broking team, in conjunction with your Waymaker Advocate.

  • Mortgage crusher is all about building financial wealth, so that you have money throughout your life when you need it.

    If you're looking for a quick fix, this is not the answer. If you're looking for amazing investment returns to brag about at a barbecue, this is not for you. If you're looking for a big win, then this is also not for you.

    Mortgage crusher gives regular results over time, which leads to large amounts of wealth.

    Whether you're a young couple, or a family, or an older couple, this system will help you build wealth and obtain financial freedom.

    So if you're someone who...

    …doesn't want to take a lot of risk, like having investment properties.

    …likes set and forget systemisation,

    …likes to achieve results now and can see those results in the now,

    …desires financial freedom,

    Then Mortgage Crusher is for you!

  • Mortgage Crusher requires a subscription to our Advocacy program, along with an initial cost to set up the system, paid to our financial planning partner.

    In comparison to an investment property, the upfront costs are much less. Investment property costs are in excess of $20,000 (think: buyers agent, stamp duty, fees, research etc.).

    Mortgage Crusher works on direct results. So if you need to stop 2 years in, you will receive back what you have paid in, both on the home loan and the investments. The risk of loss is very minimal compared to an investment property (the risk of loss is high).

    Mortgage Crusher is a flexible system that works with changes in your life. Investment properties rely on constant income from the borrower and renter to keep it running and flexibility can be very limited. Many people pull out of investment properties due to this.

Take the first step

Take the assessment
Take our free online assessment to see if Mortgage Crusher is suitable for you.

Talk to our team
Connect with our team to understand the system and answer your questions.

Assess your home loan
If you proceed, our team will assess your finances and lending situation.

What could you achieve in the next 10 years?

Mortgage crusher is all about building financial wealth, so that you have money throughout your life when you need it. It takes dedication and understanding of the proven system and process, and that is why you have to qualify for it.

It's not a quick win. The system gives you regular results over time which leads to large amounts of wealth, and it take diligence.

Whether you're a young couple, or a family, or an older couple, this system will help you build wealth and obtain financial freedom.

Can you crush your mortgage in 10 years or less? Take the online assessment to see if you qualify.